Privacy Policy

Here is our Privacy Policy which we follow. We do not collect any personal information from you while you browse our website. Any personal data we do obtain ie.collected from emails will never be supplied to 3rd parties. Collected Data From our Internet logs we are able to view an individuals IP addresses and may be able to look up which ISP is supplying that IP address. From our logs, we are able to see the date and time at which you viewed the site plus the pages visited, and other standard information including which browser and operating system you were using. We mainly use this 1og data to see which pages are receiving the most hits.


Sites Within some of the pages on W3designs which we have direct links to, external websites, that is, websites that are not part of W3designs (third-party websites). W3designs is not responsible for the content of these external internet sites. We are careful who we 1ink initially, but since the sites are out of our control they could contain unsuitable content and may have privacy policies which differ from W3designs. Please review their policies if you are concerned. All pages at W3designs contain a similar logo and menu system if the site does not contain this layout you have most likely followed a link to an external website.


We take email privacy very seriously with users of our website. Any Email address the user supplies when sending a message from our website form, are not, and will never be given or sold to 3rd parties. This includes any personal information we may obtain from the emails we receive. Contacting us If you have any concerns about this, or have comments or questions regarding our privacy policy, please contact us and we'll be happy to answer any questions you have.

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